The company's products in focus
On this page we will emphasize the products in the zip code
They change according to the spirit of the times and do not constitute a personalized recommendation
A shekel bond with a fixed interest rate
Shekel investment for a maximum term of 36 months.
The bond pays fixed interest every quarter.
The fee ends on 6/2027 and redeems the savings to the customer's account
The management of the fee is the responsibility of the investment house, as well as the management of the base investments and collateral. An efficient and simple solution under fixed conditions.
The bond can be purchased through the banks directly or as part of managing an investment portfolio.
Investment in currency diversified bonds up to 20% shares
A shekel investment for a period of at least 36 months, the certificate holds a combination of several series of fixed interest bonds in a variety of currencies. The certificate pays interest every 6 months and can be purchased through the bank or within a personally managed provident fund.
Investing in bonds to finance lawsuits in England
A shekel investment for a period of at least 18 months, the certificate holds several series of fixed interest bonds used to finance law firms in England. The certificate pays interest every 6 months and can be purchased through the bank or within a personally managed provident fund.
Investment in diversified non-negotiable debt in combination with leading Israeli investment funds
A shekel investment for a period of at least 36 months, the certificate holds a combination of several series of fixed interest bonds together with leading Israeli debt funds. The certificate pays interest every 6 months and can be purchased through the bank or within a personally managed provident fund.
Combining investments in non-marketable debt and non-marketable equity funds
A shekel investment for a minimum term of 36 months, the certificate holds a combination of several series of fixed-rate bonds along with non-tradable equity funds. This is a unique product with high long-term potential but with higher volatility compared to ROK's debt products. The investment can be purchased through the bank or within a self-managed provident fund.
Dollar investment in non-marketable debt and leading debt funds
A dollar investment for a period of at least 36 months, the certificate holds a combination of several series of fixed interest bonds together with leading European debt funds. The certificate pays interest every 6 months and can be purchased through the bank or within a personally managed provident fund.